improving efficiency through an assembly-line approach and buying materials in bulk. And because your pre-engineered steel building is pre-assembled in a factory, the quality can be guaranteed. The assembly-line approach ensures that their processes for construction have been repeated time and time again, improving quality and accuracy.
Steel Building vs Traditional Wood Construction
While steel buildings have only been around for the past 60 years, their popularity has grown immensely in the past few decades. Not only are steel building prices more economical than traditional stick-built construction (read our page on steel building pricing), but also, steel buildings are designed and erected far faster than traditional buildings. We'll tell you how steel buildings help your pocket book ,but also the ways in which they don't match up with typical wood construction.
What are the drawbacks and benefits of wood construction?
The primary disadvantage is the dramatically increased cost. However, you also must consider the added time it takes to design and erect your building. Not only will you need to work with an architect to design your building, but also you will have to work around weather delays during construction.
On the other hand, wood construction’s primary advantage is the customization. If you have very specific design needs then wood may be your best option, as long as you’re willing to pay the extra cost and wait for the added time that wood construction requires.
How can I make a steel building look like a classic "stick built" building? If you’re concerned that steel buildings only have one look-and-feel, then rest assured that advances in steel building construction now mean that you can have your building look exactly like a true stick-built building. No longer can you only choose a color for the corrugated steel, now you can choose a stucco façade, a wood façade, etc. The options are varied, and the price range for these options is huge, so make sure you speak with multiple suppliers about their choices and options.
Ready to see the cost savings of a steel building for yourself?
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